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Brakwaterpoliep Cordylophora caspia


Cordylophora [genus] (1/1)
caspia [soort]

Exotenpaspoort ?

Vestigingsstatus Gevestigd
Zeldzaamheid Lokaal
Invasiviteit Potentieel invasief
Invasiviteit (toelichting) This is a Ponto-Caspian species. It migrated through three different routes from the Black Sea and Caspian Sea to Western Europe: 1) through the Wolga-river and canals to the Baltic in 1858. 2) through the Dnjepr-river and canals to Rhine and Baltic and 3) through the Donau-river and canals (Bij de Vaate et al. 2002). In all three cases building of sluices and canals helped the species expansion. The animals dispersal is either through polyps attached on hulls of boats, floating objects and other transported materials, or larvae transported in ballastwater. Another possibility is transport of the menont-stage with birds (Leloup, 1952; Vervoort & Faasse, 2009). Several factors facilitate its invasiveness. It is a highly adaptable species, which reproduces both in freshwater habitats as in brackish waters, sexual as well as asaxual, tolerates lower and higher temperatures from -5° C up to 35° C (by having a resting or menont stage). Furthermore it is tolerant to (even thrives upon) eutrophicated waters and shows no particular demands to the substrate, other than this being solid.
Type introductie Niet opzettelijk
Jaar van eerste introductie 1874
Jaar van eerste melding 1874
Natuurlijke verspreiding Europa
Verspreiding in Nederland
  • Flevoland
  • Friesland
  • Gelderland
  • Groningen
  • Limburg
  • Noord-Brabant
  • Noord-Holland
  • Overijssel
  • Utrecht
  • Zuid-Holland
  • Zeeland
  • Verspreiding in Nederland (toelichting) The first record in the Netherlands is from Amsterdam (Amstel-river) in 1874. (Hoek 1874). In the Netherlands the species lives in fresh water as well as in brackish water. Especially in the freshwater lakes and larger waters in the western part of the country (a.o. IJsselmeer) the species is abundant. There are also several local populations in more or less brackish water, in the provice of Zeeland as well as in the North Sea Channel. At least from 1964 onward, this species was common in the Netherlands (Vervoort 1946,1964, Vervoort & Faasse 2009).
  • Mariene habitats
  • Estuaria en brakwatergebieden
  • Meren
  • Waterwegen
  • Kustgebied
  • Oeverzones
  • Wijze van introductie
  • Ballastwater schip/boot
  • Aangroei op scheepsrompen
  • Onderling verbonden waterwegen/bassins/zeeën
  • Impact Concurrentie
    Ecologische impact (toelichting) Dense colonies can change the bottom-structure and the ecological communities. C. caspia can be a competitor for food and space of other sessile species, but on the other hand provide shelter and food for more mobile species as fish, nudibranchs and crustaceans.
    Economische impact (toelichting) C. caspia species is known to clogg up pipes of power plants and other facilities. In Belgium it is one of the most common foulingpecies in the Antwerp-harbour. In the Netherlands this might be the case for (a.o) facilities in the area of Amsterdam-harbour (North Sea Canal). In Antwerp chlorine is used (Vliz 2011) to clear the pipes of this species. In the Netherlands no data were found about the economical impact of this particular species.


    • Hoek, P.P.C. 1874. Mededeeling over Cordylophora lacustris. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging 1: 157.
    • Leloup, E. 1952. Coelentérés. Faune de Belgique. 1-283. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium.
    • Redeke, H.C. 1948. Hydrobiologie van Nederland. De zoete wateren. 1-580. Uitg. C. de Boer Jr., Amsterdam.
    • Roch, F. 1924. Experimentelle untersuchungen an Cordylophora caspia (Pallas) [=lacustris Allman] über die abhangigkeit ihrer geographischen verbreitung und ihrer wuchsformen von den physikalisch-chemischen bedingungen des umgebenden mediums. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 2: 3-4.
    • VLIZ Alien Species Consortium 2011. Brakwaterpoliep – Cordylophora caspia. Niet-inheemse soorten van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria. [link]
    • Vaate, A., bij de, K. Jazdzewski, H.A.M. Ketelaars, S. Gollasch, & G. Van der Velde 2002. Geographical patterns in range extension of Ponto-Caspian macroinvertebrate species in Europe. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 1159–1174.
    • Vervoort, W & M. Faase 2009. Overzicht van de Nederlandse Leptolida (= Hydroida) (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 32.
    • Vervoort, W. 1946. Hydrozoa (CI) A. Hydropolypen. In: L.F. de Beaufort, P.N. van Kampen, E.D. van Oort, H.C. Redeke & W. Roepke, Fauna van Nederland 14: 1-336. A.W. Sijthoff, Leiden.
    • Vervoort, W. 1964. Note on the distribution of Garveia franciscana (Torrey 1902) and Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771) in the Netherlands. Zoologische Mededelingen 39: 125-146.