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Rode palmkever Rhynchophorus ferrugineus


Dryophthorinae [subfamilie]
Rhynchophorus [genus] (1/0)


Dryophthorinae [subfamilie]
Rhynchophorus [genus] (1/0)

Exotenpaspoort ?

Vestigingsstatus Niet gevestigd
Zeldzaamheid Zeldzaam
Invasiviteit Niet invasief
Invasiviteit (toelichting) The larvae of this beetle live from the woody parts of palm trees, it can therefore not become invasive in the Netherlands.
Type introductie Niet opzettelijk
Jaar van eerste introductie 2014
Jaar van eerste melding 2014
Natuurlijke verspreiding Aziƫ
Verspreiding in Nederland (toelichting) Only one individual was found in a garden in Haaften in 2014. There are no indications of indoor populations at palm nurseries or elsewhere.
Habitats Kassen of composthopen
Wijze van introductie
  • Verontreinigd kwekerijmateriaal
  • Contaminant op planten
  • Transport van habitatmateriaal (grond, vegetatie, hout)
  • Impact Sociaal-economisch
    Ecologische impact (toelichting) No ecological impact.
    Economische impact (toelichting) The red palm weevil can have high economic impact. It is a pest species of ornamental palms in southern Europe and in palm nurseries. In Europe, emergency measures are required when this species is found. In the Netherlands, inspections on ca 100 locations (mostly palm nurseries) were performed, due to the finding of one individual of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus.
