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Alexandrium tamarense


tamarense [soort]

Exotenpaspoort ?

Reële kans op vestiging? Ja
Betrouwbaarheid beoordeling Grote mate van zekerheid (meerdere bronnen)
Vestigingsstatus Gevestigd
Zeldzaamheid Algemeen
Invasiviteit Potentieel invasief
Invasiviteit (toelichting) There is a debate whether or not this algal species is an non-native species in The Netherlands. It is distributed world-wide as it can easily disperse over large distinces by ballast water but also by natural distribution with the sea-currents.
Type introductie Niet opzettelijk
Jaar van eerste introductie 1989
Jaar van eerste melding 1994
Natuurlijke verspreiding Onbekend
Verspreiding in Nederland
  • Friesland
  • Groningen
  • Noord-Holland
  • Zuid-Holland
  • Zeeland
  • Verspreiding in Nederland (toelichting) All along the Dutch coastline
  • Mariene habitats
  • Estuaria en brakwatergebieden
  • Wijze van introductie
  • Ballastwater schip/boot
  • Onderling verbonden waterwegen/bassins/zeeën
  • Impact
  • Toxisch
  • Volksgezondheid
  • Ecologische impact (toelichting) Some populations can produce toxins that can cause serious illness in humans but also other animals that feed on these algae.
    Economische impact (toelichting) This populations of this species produce Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST). In especially shellfish that feed on these algae, these toxins may reach concentrations that are harmfull for humans. Numerous human illnesses and several deaths have resulted from the consumption of such shellfish. The control measures that have to be in plave to minimize this risk are costly for the shellfish industry.