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Kamsalamander Triturus cristatus

Foto: Petra Fleurbaaij


Salamandridae [familie]
Triturus [genus] (3/2)
cristatus [soort]


The northern crested newt is present in all Dutch provinces with the exception of the northern province of Groningen and the polders of the province of Flevoland. The range roughly corresponds to the area above sea level, including the basins of the large rivers in the eastern part of the country. Core areas of its distribution are south-western Drenthe, Twente, Gelderse Poort, Winterswijk area, south-west of the IJssel, south of the river Waal and the eastern part of the country. Core areas in the central part are to the south of Utrechtse Heuvelrug and Gooi. In Noord-Brabant and Limburg core areas are De Brand, Leemkuilen, Meinweg, Melickerheide and Maalbroek. In Zeeland the northern crested newt is rarely observed outside the western part of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.


The northern crested newt is listed on the Red List as vulnerable. It is strictly protected under Dutch legislation, the Bern Convention (Annex ii) and the Habitats Directive (Annex ii and iv). The coverage of the northern crested newt in the Netherlands decreased by circa 35% since 1950. The conversion of land from extensive to intensive agriculture, increasing industrial and urban development and the loss of ponds are major causes of the decline. On a local scale the introduction of fish in ponds and eutrophication of ponds has contributed to loss. Recent pond creation schemes have led to local and regional recoveries.



Smit, G.F.J, Arntzen, J.W.


  • Creemers, R.C.M. & J.J.C.W. van Delft 2009. De amfibieĆ«n en reptielen van Nederland. Nederlandse Fauna 9. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, KNNV Uitgeverij & European Invertebrate Survey-Nederland, Leiden.