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Vroedmeesterpad Alytes obstetricans

Foto: Jeroen Hoek


Alytidae [familie]
Alytes [genus] (1/1)


The natural range of the common midwife toad in the Netherlands is restricted to the southernmost part of the province of Limburg, east of the river Meuse. The transition zones between the higher plateaus and the brook valleys are of particular importance. Outside southern Limburg, the species is present at many sites, especially in cities, for example Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. These are all (illegal) introductions, often done with foreign animals (France!).


The common midwife toad is listed on the Red List as vulnerable. It is strictly protected under Dutch legislation, the Bern Convention (Annex ii) and the Habitats Directive (Annex iv). The range of the common midwife toad decreased by 42% since 1950. Main causes of decline are intensification and the increased extent of agricultural practices. Many ponds, steep-sided embankments, shrubberies, unmanaged farm yards, other small, but extensively used pieces of land and even old cemeteries have disappeared or have been tidied up. Marl quarries have long been important substitutes, but are less used and suffer from vegetation succession. The species can be encouraged quite easily by constructing new ponds or maintaining old ones. The land habitat should be kept open and warm, for example, by tree felling, mowing and grazing.



Broek, T.G.Y. van den, Frissen, D.P.E.M.


  • Creemers, R.C.M. & J.J.C.W. van Delft 2009. De amfibieĆ«n en reptielen van Nederland. Nederlandse Fauna 9. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, KNNV Uitgeverij & European Invertebrate Survey-Nederland, Leiden.