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Rugstreeppad Epidalea calamita

Foto: Jeroen Hoek


Bufonidae [familie]
Epidalea [genus] (1/1)
calamita [soort]


The natterjack is present throughout the country and has been found in all provinces. It is likely that there are no populations left in the province of Groningen. Core areas are the coastal dunes, the area of the large rivers and large parts of the polders in the provinces of Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland and Flevoland. The higher, inland sandy soils in the Netherlands are occupied, but are less densely populated than the core areas.


The natterjack is listed on the Red List as near threatened. It is strictly protected under Dutch legislation, the Bern Convention (Annex ii) and the Habitats Directive (Annex iv). The coverage of the natterjack in the Netherlands decreased by 61% since 1950. This decrease is due to loss of natural dynamics in coastal dunes and along the large rivers. Other causes are habitat fragmentation, acidification, and vegetation succession. Standard pond types normally constructed to promote a wide range of amphibian species are practically uninhabited by natterjacks. Ponds for natterjacks need to have flat banks and shallow water and are preferably large and often temporary. The land habitat should be open or semi-open.




Musters, K., Verboom, B., Lugt, A. van der


  • Creemers, R.C.M. & J.J.C.W. van Delft 2009. De amfibieën en reptielen van Nederland. Nederlandse Fauna 9. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, KNNV Uitgeverij & European Invertebrate Survey-Nederland, Leiden.