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Gewoon doorntje Tetrix undulata

Foto: Sandra Lamberts


Tetrigidae [familie]
Tetrix [genus] (5/5)
undulata [soort]

In The Netherlands the Common Ground-hopper is also the commonest species of Tetrix. It is especially common on sand and peat soils in the pleistocene part of The Nether­lands, but is almost absent on the clay and peat soils of the lower parts. There are some colonies in the dunes. It is most often found in moist heathland or moorland, where it inhabits bare patches of soil, but it can also be found along canals, ditches or road-sides. The rare macropronotal form has been found only once in The Netherlands.



Wingerden, W.K.R.E. van, Odé, B., Willemse, L.P.M., Kleukers, R.M.J.C., Nieukerken, E.J. van
