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Paars vogelkopmosdiertje Bugula neritina


Bugulidae [familie]
Bugula [genus] (1/1)
neritina [soort]

Exotenpaspoort ?

Reële kans op vestiging? Ja
Betrouwbaarheid beoordeling Grote mate van zekerheid (meerdere bronnen)
Vestigingsstatus Gevestigd
Zeldzaamheid Lokaal
Invasiviteit Potentieel invasief
Invasiviteit (toelichting) The natural distribution of B. neritina is unclear but may prove to be the Northern Atlantic Ocean. It is a common fouling organism worldwide, reported from all seas except sub Arctic and sub Antarctic regions. Colonies are typically found intertidal in harbours and embayments, attached to more or less natural substrate (stones, seaweeds) and a variety of artificial substrata, including ship hulls, piers, buoys and other man-made structures (Mackie et al., 2006). Its invasiveness is shown by its cosmopolitan distribution, its adaptability to live in different environments, its temperature and salinity range (euhaline and polyhaline: salinity around 30-18‰; Winston, 1977) and its survival techniques (includig an annual period of dormancy, dependent upon water temperatures). The species may also tolerate high levels of pollution (including copper), which provides it with a competitive advantage in polluted areas (Piola and Johnston 2006; Cabi, 2008).
Type introductie Niet opzettelijk
Jaar van eerste introductie 2007
Jaar van eerste melding 2007
Natuurlijke verspreiding Onbekend
Verspreiding in Nederland Zeeland
Verspreiding in Nederland (toelichting) This species was found for the first time in the Netherlands in 2007 in a marina at Burghsluis in the Eastern Scheldt (Faasse, 2007). A few months later it had reproduced. It survived winter as an established species and was spreading over the entire marina the next year. As yet it is not known from other localities in the Netherlands.
  • Mariene habitats
  • Estuaria en brakwatergebieden
  • Wijze van introductie
  • Aangroei op scheepsrompen
  • Onderling verbonden waterwegen/bassins/zeeën
  • Impact Concurrentie
    Ecologische impact (toelichting) B. neritina frequently settles on algae, established bryozoan colonies, oyster shells and other organic material. Apart from overgrowing certain organisms, the species may compete for space and food. The species is still (very) local in the Netherlands and there are no indications of major ecological impact yet.
    Economische impact (toelichting) Larvae and adult specimens collected in Botany Bay, Australia of ‘Bugula neritina’ proved highly resistant to dissolved copper, an active agent in many antifouling paints. Therefore this species might have an extra potential to foul coated hulls (Piola & Johnston, 2006). B. neritina is a fouling species in aquaculture, it may attaches to oyster shells. Tiny colonies may be attached to the sides of ballast tanks or on floating material inside the ballast tanks (Cohen 2005). Apart from being transported with aquaculture materials and ballast water, ship/boat hull fouling is the most common and likely means of movement and the source of ongoing introductions. The species is highly likely to be accidentally transported. Fouling of materials may prove to be costly and difficult to prefent. B. neritina colonies are the source of a chemical compound (bryostatin), shown to be effective against leukaemia and other kinds of cancer (Tilbrook, 2004).


    • Blauwe, H. De 2009. Mosdiertjes van de Zuidelijke bocht van de Noordzee. Determinatiewerk voor België en Nederland. 464pp. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee, Oostende.
    • CABI 2008. Bugula neritina. In: Invasive Species Compendium. [link]
    • Cohen, A.N. 2005. Guide to the Exotic Species of San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, USA.
    • Faasse, M.A. 2007. Het exotische mosdiertje Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758) in Nederland. Het Zeepaard 67: 190-192.
    • Mackie, J.A., M.J. Keough & L. Christidis 2006. Invasion patterns inferred from cytochrome oxidase I sequences in three bryozoans, Bugula neritina, Watersipora subtorquata, and Watersipora arcuata. Marine Biology 149: 285–295.
    • Piola, R.F. & E.L. Johnston 2006. Differential resistance to extended copper exposure in four introduced bryozoans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 311: 103-114.
    • Tilbrook, K. 2004. Bryostatin 1 - antitumour agent. JBMA Global marine environment.