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Japanse bloementrips Thrips setosus


Thripidae [familie]
Thrips [genus] (47/31)
setosus [soort]


Thripidae [familie]
Thrips [genus] (47/31)
setosus [soort]

Exotenpaspoort ?

Vestigingsstatus Gevestigd
Zeldzaamheid Zeldzaam
Invasiviteit Potentieel invasief
Invasiviteit (toelichting) Thrips are very small insects that are easily transported with flowers, leaves, plant cuttings, and vegetables. Thrips setosus is a polyfagous herbivore that has been found in the Netherlands on indigenous plants.
Type introductie Niet opzettelijk
Jaar van eerste introductie 2009 - 2014
Jaar van eerste melding 2014
Natuurlijke verspreiding Aziƫ
Verspreiding in Nederland
  • Noord-Holland
  • Zuid-Holland
  • Verspreiding in Nederland (toelichting) Found in 2014 inside and outside greenhouses at several locations.
  • Agrarische gebieden
  • Verstoorde gebieden
  • Kassen of composthopen
  • Wijze van introductie
  • Verontreinigd kwekerijmateriaal
  • Contaminant voedsel
  • Contaminant op planten
  • Transport van habitatmateriaal (grond, vegetatie, hout)
  • Impact
  • Herbivorie
  • Ziekteoverdracht
  • Sociaal-economisch
  • Ecologische impact (toelichting) Thrips setosus is a polyfagous herbivore that can live on indigenous plants in the Netherlands, is has therefore impact on these plant species and the native herbivores, being a new competitor.
    Economische impact (toelichting) Thrips setosus is a very serious pest insect, which can have hig economic impact. It can live on many plant species, it punctures the leaves when feeding, thereby causing especially harm to ornamental plants. In addition, it can act as a vector for tomato spotted wilt virus that may affect a large number of crops and ornamental plants.
